Monday, October 5, 2015

Jane Apricity

Name: Jane Apricity
Nickname: J.A. (Pronounced Jay). I'm also called Katnip, but not necessarily out of relations to Hunger Games... 
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown. Way too thick. Bit too long. I should really get it trimmed. 
Eyes: Grey-blue-green, with a little brown around the pupils. 
Typical outfit: Hmm. Skirts and a blouse, jeans and a tshirt, shorts and a tanktop... it varies. 
Build: Tall. Freakishly tall. I'm 5'11" and skinny as a rail. (Seamstress- *starts lecturing me on the evils of anorexia while I nod politely and pretend she's not judgementa at all.) 
Occupation: Author, student, archer, day-dreamer, theologian, and Official Online Roleplayer. It's a thing. 
Pets: Sadly, no. 
Hobbies: Reading books, writing books, talking about books, thinking about books, discussing books, crying over three books (End of the first PJO series, when ***** died in Harry Potter, and the end of Mistborn. *clutches chest* Oh, that last one...) 
Talents: Well, I like to think I'm a decent author. I do believe that sarcasm counts as a talent. 
Fears: Spiders. Being alone. Pain. Family dying. Being scared. (That last one's so irrational.) 
Faults: Pride. Arrogant, haughty, etc. Pretty much Elizabeth Bennet's opinion of Mr. Darcy before she liked him and all. 
Good points: Um... creative, relatively smart. I hate filling these out. I'm prideful enough without it. :P 
Personality type: INTJ (for more information, visit: | take the free test and find out your personality type.)
Backstory: My dad is a pastor (PK power baby) who joined the military (Ok yeah, Military Brat too) and moved from Tennessee to Alabama to Alabama to Tennessee to Oklahoma to Texas to Germany to [CENSORED]. My entire life has been comprised of homeschooling, church, and books. I discovered (aka was first allowed to use) the internet last year and I pride myself on how quickly I've learned. 

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